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Expand your Brand to Latin America

We conquer LATAM for you. You bring the brand, we bring the market.

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Expand your Brand to Latin America

We conquer LATAM for you. You bring the brand, we bring the market.

Can you imagine selling in the largest region in the world without suffering in the attempt?

We operate 100% of your business in Latin America with experts in each country | We operate 100% of your business in Latin America with experts in each country

What do we do?

Storage & Order Fullfilment

Keep your products near to your clients in our Warehouse and let us ship it in 24/48hs


Recieve your payments in
Your Country

Product Insights

Our platform Certified by Mercadolibre and connected directly to the marketplaces allows you to have insights on the entire market

Maximize your

Expand your Brand to more tan 650 Millon customers across Latinamerica.

Return Management

We handle reverse logistics in each country for you. Enhance customer satisfaction and reduce costs.

Our Business Services

We operate 100% of your business in Latin America with experts in each country | We operate 100% of your business in Latin America with experts in each country

Who is this for?

Brands that want to:

Expand Sales into new markets, without the difficulties of each new/unknown country.

Those who want to try these markets with a partner who has Local experience in Latin America.

Those who want to try these markets with a partner who has Local experience in Latin America.

The ones that need a local team to adjust their products to the local cultures for each country.

For those who need a partner to handle returns in each country.

For those who need a partner to handle returns in each country.

A Partner who can use local payment methods to collect and not lose any sales.

Those who want to sell in
weeks, not months.

Those who want to sell in
weeks, not months.

Strategic ally for international brands seeking to expand without complications

Copyright © 2025 Xpand Latam | All Rights Reserved


El valor de tu plan dependerá de tus Ingresos en Product Ads promedio de los últimos tres meses.

Por ejemplo, si tus ingresos por Product Ads los últimos 90 días fueron de $925.000, el promedio mensual es de $308.333 por lo que la tarifa será de $20.249 + IVA

Ingresos Product Ads (en PESOS AR)
Valor Suscripción Anual (en PESOS AR)
$0 a $20.000
$7.599 +IVA
$20.001 a $1.000.000
$20.249 +IVA
$1.000.001 a $1.850.000
$39.959 +IVA
Más de $ 1.850.001
$60.749 +IVA